Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Leo's Meeting Postponed

Just so everyone knows, Leo's meeting will be postponed until the first or second Thursday of March. Gentlemen, we've entered uncharted territory in that many dudes have expressed a lazy attitude toward Leo's book and have not given it the time it deserves. Sadly, I'll admit to being among those guys. Now, in my opinion, the great thing about Dude Squad is that it is about food and brotherhood as much as ideas. So, I say we meet regardless of whether or not anyone read the book and Leo can tell us about the Great Depression and then we can all complain about politics while nursing cold bottled root brewskis and wiping the fat from some roasted animal from our chins. What sayest thou?

President Root

Monday, February 8, 2010

Posted By Bret

Greetings to all. This is Bret taking up our benevolent leader's offer to allow each of us to post on the D.S. Blog. Seldom do you find a President so secure in his high office that he is willing to throw caution to the wind by allowing the masses to taste of the fruits of his leadership. I am honored to use his exalted log in. My wife's sister posted this video on her facebook. Not only is it very funny but also speaks to the need for organizations such as the Dude Squad. So I hope you will enjoy it. P.S. At the 1:30 mark you will see a movie theatre crowd that exactly matches the one that Sam experienced being the only male at the movie "Dear John"(perhaps some sort of disciplinary action required). Click here